My favorite food
My favorite type of food is the cooked corn with mayonnaise or butter, it is yellow with many grain, it have different kind but it is all the same, the only difference if this is new, it have a better flavor but if it is old, it have bad flavor. I don’t know about the difference, but I remember that a friend said to me “the American corn is more delicious”, I really don’t know for me only exist the fresh corn or mature. It has one disadvantage, that only it grow up in one season of the year, if it save in cold, doesn’t taste the same. It is no so special, only is a corn put into water during five or ten minutes, with a little of salt and mayonnaise or butter, it is the beaty of simplicity. I remember when I was a young, I traveled at grandparents home where they planted many corn; in the launch or dinner we ate corn, my grandmother liked to joke with me because I had only two tooth and with this I can ate.