Social issues

Chile is a country that reacts to problems, never prevents them. Every day people experience problems that used to complicate their lives and they are no longer willing to put up with them. The system always fails them.

I think that the main problem is the inequality that exists in the access to opportunities such as health, work, education, among other issues. People who live overcrowded and have to travel more than 2 hours to get to work because the government gave them a 40 m2 house 20 kilometers outside the city, just to save a few coins, houses where 6 people live or even more, from the grandmother to the grandson.

People are shouting what they want and should be heard, they know that the people who should represent them and speak for them no longer do so, they know that those representatives are part of the problem.

I believe that another great problem is the injustice, it is supposed that nobody is above it, but we all know that in Chile some are favored by it, others are not punished and others are jailed unjustly, the system again fails , that is not new in Chile.


  1. I understand when you mention that people have to travel 2 hours to work, I personally have to travel 1 hour and a half to get to college and a lot of money is spent.


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